I'm Jashiq Mohammed. Working as a legal practitioner in the Parappanangadi court, Malappuram district. Working as a social area long 7 years. Lastly, I'm working as socio-legal activist For helping others rights. Still I currently have 124 tribal children. Many of them call me brother and father. To be precise, I have provided free legal aid to 426 people (including abused women and children). They respect me and LAT, my legal aid organization.
Satisfaction is the ultimate answer to all volunteer work.just its may leads to any transformation, perhaps its happy,momories,dreams or any other thing which help you to encourage social humanisation
6 years long, Just do the better human at any cost. Inspiration is just i got some scenes, situations in life at various human aspects especially in backward classes rights
Once I have gone to a tribal colony which located in wayanad district and muthanga wildlife sanctuary with forest department staff, when we are reached there, it was in deep forest almost have 3 more kilometres walk through forest, It was a good rainy season. There I saw a house tied with a tharpolin sheet. The house was covered with an old sari cloth instead of a wall around it. The ridge was covered with soil to prevent rain water for entering the house. Inside is a woman who with a burning pot. Next to the stove was a child wrapped in a cloth. A baby about 40 days old. A dog is warming up in the oven on a piece of cloth near the baby's head. When we looked inside we were totally sad. The child contracted pneumonia and had a high fever. He was placed near the stove to get warm. After that view, perhaps the most I still do today is among them. Tribals...
PROJECT Mission Tribal Development Project (MTDP)
LAT (legal assistance team)
Educational development of tribal students,
Dream analysis and creation perspect
Awareness about rights of their education
Legal rights of tribals
The tribals are the most backward group in this age group. They are being exploited in every way. Everything given to them in the name of development has gone wrong today.
Now their survival in the future will be possible only with education.
That too for the coming generation.
The current alternative teaching system is a complete failure. My focus is on it
We will collab with forest department and tribal department.
1) First an alternative school will be adopted
2) That dirty school will make it attractive, the way those kids say it
3) The children will then be given counselling (many have no connection with the outside world and will not even have dreams) and will be told of the good opportunities outside them.
4) Conduct a medical camp and make a report on their health
(It clearly contains all the information about each child)
5) Then hand over a volunteer to call once a week, if they need to
It's still going on.
It's a continuing project But for the basic detail analysis it will taken 7 days or more, but it should be step by step.
I got long information about tribals and others, and I worked with forest department and tribal department. It leads to wide range of awareness to public.
Now we Currently, the project is being implemented at 4 locations in various parts of Wayanad district. Teaches 124 children.
1) muthanga wildlife sanctuary (45 children)
2) pulpalli vettathur tribal colony (23 children)
3) batheri-kallumukk colony (30 children)
4) banasura cololy (21 children)
Adopted students in the future should progress academically in a way that shows that the false alternative teaching plan mentioned earlier is wrong. The government should make a proposal by showing it. The plan should be changed extensively
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life on Land
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Social Auditing Help, And helpful to totally suppressed people's life, parted to deal 426 cases for get their right under Indian constitution
I would like to start a free cost legal consultancy for women and child who abused,
Make even 20 percentage of my tribal children to Successfully completed their education in degree and get a job

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