Mr.Bisathi Bharath, a Post Graduate in Political Science and Economics hails from a Small remote Village Kandikapula of Ananthapuramu District. Although the Village lacks Basic Amenities like a proper road and even don’t have public transportation till today, he took the challenge as an opportunity and started a Youth organization namely PragathiPadham Youth Association which today has a network of 150 Young Leaders. With an aim that no village student should be left behind unaware of opportunities, he under PPYA it adopted 3 Villages (Yerraguntlapalli, Ammaladinne, Putlur) and are organizing Free Career guidance Sessions, Soft Skills Development trainings, Digital Education, Personality Development Sessions to nearly 25000 Adolescents and Youth across India in last 7 years. He has volunteered under UNV India, UNDP as a V-Force leader in “Environment Conservation Projects Like Beat Plastic Pollution & Air Pollution”. For his plight as a volunteer to a volunteer leader and leadership skills, he was selected as a UNV India Young leader to Indonesia for International Youth Exchange 2017(As a team leader- only 4 people were selected from different parts of the country, he was the youngest member of the team and team leader). He said that he has drawn inspiration from National Service Scheme(NSS) in Govt Arts College, Ananthapuramu and taken active role as a NSS Team leader &organized 4 Special Camps in Villages for development of “Swachh Bharat, Sanitation, Environment Conservation, Women Empowerment, Adult Education, Mega Health and Eye Camps, Free Food Distribution to the Roadside and poor people, Rural Sports Meet, Yoga Sessions and Drug abuse Prevention Activities”. Later NYKS (Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan- an Autonomous Central Govt Body)appointed him as a ToT Trainer to the NYV’sof Ananthapuramu, Kurnool, Kadapa Districts. He has been a part of 67 Rural Youth Development projects and is connected to 20000 Youth across India.
Volunteering is something which makes you a better person. You learn to think about others before you think about yourself. You understand the harsh realities of life. You develope empathy towards people who are less fortunate than you. Volunteering is serving people without any selfish motives , without any expectations ! You don't need to move mountains for it , it is as simple as helping a blind person to cross the road. You don't need to be rich to volunteer , you just need a loving heart.
Many problems and Troubles which faced by me & my fellow friends during my school days turned me as a volunteer. I have struggled lot to afford education because our district is most drought prone district and our schooling went in very remote areas. So to overcome at least few problems and to find solution to them God provides a to be a Volunteer. I feels that no one should suffer due to lack of proper knowledge about opportunities as he suffered due to the geographical disadvantage and lack of proper exposure. I believed that young people have the capacity to change the world and everyone is talented in an unique way and started an organization that can help people in discovering the right career choice and motivate them to be responsible volunteers and citizens, then they can together make the world a better place.
Bisathi Bharath, a Post Graduate in Political Science and Economics hails from a Small remote Village Kandikapula of Ananthapuramu District. Although the Village lacks Basic Amenities like a proper road and even don’t have public transportation till today, he took the challenge as an opportunity and started a Youth organization namely PragathiPadham Youth Association which today has a network of 150 Young Leaders. With an aim that no village student should be left behind unaware of opportunities, he under PPYA it adopted 3 Villages (Yerraguntlapalli, Ammaladinne, Putlur) and are organizing Free Career guidance Sessions, Soft Skills Development trainings, Digital Education, Personality Development Sessions to nearly 25000 Adolescents and Youth across India in last 7 years. He has volunteered under UNV India, UNDP as a V-Force leader in “Environment Conservation Projects Like Beat Plastic Pollution & Air Pollution”. For his plight as a volunteer to a volunteer leader and leadership skills, he was selected as a UNV India Young leader to Indonesia for International Youth Exchange 2017(As a team leader- only 4 people were selected from different parts of the country, he was the youngest member of the team and team leader). He said that he has drawn inspiration from National Service Scheme(NSS) in Govt Arts College, Ananthapuramu and taken active role as a NSS Team leader &organized 4 Special Camps in Villages for development of “Swachh Bharat, Sanitation, Environment Conservation, Women Empowerment, Adult Education, Mega Health and Eye Camps, Free Food Distribution to the Roadside and poor people, Rural Sports Meet, Yoga Sessions and Drug abuse Prevention Activities”. Later NYKS (Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan- an Autonomous Central Govt Body)appointed him as a ToT Trainer to the NYV’sof Ananthapuramu, Kurnool, Kadapa Districts. He has been a part of 67 Rural Youth Development projects and is connected to 20000 Youth across India.
To enhance capacities of young people to take leadership to help others to live a meaningful life and contribute towards Nation Building.
Inculcate strong character, self discipline, integrity, positive attitude, commitment to Nation and strong desire to spread messages for Nation Building.
To establish a Cadre of dedicated, motivated and trained youth leaders who are willing to engage for Nation Building activities.
Youth will be motivated to engage in the Focus Areas as this would give them the joy to work for others. Trained youth will assume local leadership in community development and social welfare activities.
Eminent resource persons will be invited to interact with youth on the issues of patriotism, moral values, character building, respect for dignity of females, national security and integrity as well as following topics for their overall development.
We identify the Youth Clubs, NGO’s, Mahila Mandals, SHG’s and or group of experts and resource persons who can impart training and provide IEC material and or guide and help in procuring the same on the topics and subjects related to Youth leadership and Community Development and further improve in consultation with local experts. Also it can be mix of both these options for a meaningful and effective capacity building exercise.
We select the venue for organizing this programme where successful training activities could be undertaken. For example, venues where facilities like boarding and lodging for male and female participants, training infrastructure, teaching aid and equipments, electricity with power back up, water, sanitation and other facilities are available.
It is also very necessary to ensure that there should be proper internet / wifi facility. Adequate no. of computers of latest configuration which are necessary to provide computer literacy should be provided.
Since 80 young boys will be participating, it is necessary to ensure that uninterrupted electricity is provided. In case of non-availability of electricity or power breakup, the generator backup in the camp must be provided.
Well in advance, the identified group of resource persons, training providers be briefed about the objectives, expectations of this TYLCD and its outcome.
It would be ensured that the trainers would have expertise in the subject and topic allotted to him/her and can link it up with their roles as leaders in development and empowerment of Youth and Village Communities.
We train the Youth on :-
Leadership – the concept, qualities, styles, skill
Communication skills - how to interact with people and make speech
Enhancing Computer Literacy
Use of IT and Social Media Skills : Use of Whats App, Face Book, Twitter, Youtube and how to download useful Applications
Creating critical awareness and understanding of Cyber Laws
Creating critical awareness and understanding on Sankalap Se Siddhi for New India
Prime Minister Flagship Programmes for Financial and Social inclusion
Yoga as a way of Life
Personality development and Life Skills
Programme Management : Process , barrier, how to make speech
Good citizenship: civic manners and respect for ethics & values
Responsible citizens: Promoting communal harmony, national unity and being Indian.
Coordination and linkages with other departments and Agencies – What, Why and How?
Half an hour capsule to educate the youth on the Constitution of India be also created in the curriculum. (This may include Directive Principles of State policy, Fundamental Rights and Duties and preamble to the constitution.
Group discussion on any social theme be also incorporated in the schedule.
Life skill and soft skills training programme must be included keeping in view the availability of infrastructure and Resource Persons.
Community service with a view to make the youth realize their social responsibilities should be part of the training schedule.
Community Development: concepts and process; strategy to coordinate with developmental agencies and departments for up-liftment of the rural youth and village communities.
Some awards should also be instituted for outstanding performances apart from distribution certificates to the participants.
The Project was initiated in July 2017 to March is a 750 Hours project for 3 Consecutive years. We have trained nearly 2300 Youth and Adolescents through 32 Training Programmes which are organized by Pragathi Padham Youth Association in coordination with the Nehru Yuva Kendra, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh.
I am the Team Leader in the Training of Youth on Leadership & Community Development Project from 2017 to 2020. I have trained the Youth on particular topic i.e, Role of Youth Volunteering in Community Development. I have personally learnt many experiences from the volunteers and understood their spirit of Volunteerism to bring change in their masses.
The programme is aimed at developing leadership qualities, personality development and enhancing skills for taking up community development initiatives among the youth through 7 days training programmes so that they can act as agents of social change and dissemination of information among masses in general and youths in particular about various schemes & programmes of Govt. and other Development Departments, Agencies for youth development. All these Young Leaders would Volunteer for the change and bring many changes in their respective Communities. Many of our trained Leaders became “ENTREPRENUERS, SELF EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERING HEROS, PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES IN VILLAGES”.
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Received the Diana Award 2021 from the Princess of Wales, united kindgdom.
Youth Champion Award-2018 from Ivolunteer International
Best Social Service Award 2018 from Govt Of AP
Swachh Bharat Award 2018 from Ministry of Jal Shakti
Best Social Service Award in Krishna Pushkaras 2016 from Govt Of AP
Blood Donor Award 2018 from Indian Red Cross Society
Electoral Ambassador Award 2016 from Election Commission Of India
State Best NSS Volunteer Award 2016 from Govt Of AP
NSS National Award
Water Conservator Award 2018 from National Green Corps
Organ Donor Award from NOTTO, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Young Leader Award from Vision Youth Association
Best Public Speaker Award 2017 from NYKS,A.P
University Best NSS Volunteer from S.K.University
Indian Star Icon Award 2019
Best Motivator Award from Indian Psychiatric Association
Campus Swachh Bharat Ambassador Award from NSS.GDC,Anantapur
Consumer Award from Dept of Civil Supplies, Govt Of AP
State Level Declamation Topper from NYKS,A.P
Green Warrior Award 2018 from NGC
I am planning with my fellow volunteers and RUDSETI for designing training sessions for local merchants on branding their business to promote the ATMANIRBHAR BHARATH – VOCAL FOR LOCAL CAMPAIGN, to promote Self employment, encourage SHG’s.
Extending Digital Literacy Campaigns to the Unconnected Dots of Society by encouraging people and creating more My Gov users, SWAYAM Users, UMANG App Users.
Planning for Self-Employment Training programmes for HIV/AIDS Patients in our District in coordination with MEPMA, DRDA, NYKS.
Under our INDIA AGAINST DEPRESSION (IAD), We are developing a platform for organising Special Sessions and Webinars on Mental Health, Prevention Of Suicides and Depression from expert Psychologists. We have created a database of psychologists on IAD website who will provide free counselling to anyone through the website (
To provide free education to all and to provide aid & assistance in preparing for competitive exams like UPSC , SSC through our website where we are delivering guidance , free video classes, motivation sessions.
I want to promote Leadership & Team work skills, Responsible Citizenship, Soft Skills and Life Skills Education at rural areas of Ananthapuram in the form of Webinars in coordination with UNV India, UNDP, NYKS, NSS and other local NGOs.
Are you an aspiring volunteer, put your ideas into action at
National Volunteers Hackathon 2021