Myself Aslam Jalaludeen, I'm a B tech student and a Social Volunteer of Arise Community and an Ex NSS Volunteer Secretary of College NSS unit. I wish to make other people smile. I wish I want to become a Civil Servant because I want to serve the society. I am a District Collectorate Covid care Volunteer at Pathanamtitta and I have got appreciation from district Collectorate. I am the Best NSS volunteer of our College NSS unit.
SOCIAL ISSUE Ignorance about Sustainable menstrual hygiene and menstrual cup usage PROPOSED SOLUTION By distributing Menstrual cups and giving awareness to the people about the usage of Menstrual cups and Sustainable menstrual hygiene. CONCERN Having seen the problems caused by the use of Sanitary Napkins PROJECT SANCUPS DESCRIPTION: Menstruation is a normal biological process which maintains the female reproductive cycle. Most of the people are using sanitary napkins. Usage of this Napkins may cause health problems in women and disposal of this napkins may harmful to the environment. To overcome this issue we have to use Menstrual Cups instead of Sanitary Napkins.
SANCUP Project initiated to distribute Menstrual cups and give awareness about the usage of these cups and its substitute that cause zero percentage harmful to the environment and the health. AIMS & OBJECTIVES
The main aim of this project is to bring the Society to Sustainable Menstrual hygiene to Women and the Environment
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
Apply now for The Social HacKathon and receive $250 along with mentorship to put your ideas into action!